jueves, 23 de abril de 2020


Date: April  - 24th- Friday.

Value:  My Family and I are very considerate.

Tongue Twister.
               Shy shelly says she shall take a short shower.

Lesson 3

Home Time
  Goal:Identify, name and write some activities or routines does in home.

At Home
  Do the dishes    (du de dishs)            
  Make my bed  (maik mai bed)
  Clean my room   (klin mi run)          
  Clean the bathroom  (klin de batrun)
  Walk the dog   (guolk de dok)            
  Set the table  (set de teibol)
  Water the plants  (guoder de plants)         
  Feed the cat  (fid de cat)
  Sweep the floor   (suip de flour)           
  Do my homework  (du mai jonguor)
  Mop the floor  (mop de flour)            
  Practice the recorder (plai de recorder)
  See my friends  (si mai friend)           
  Have dinner  (jaf dainer)
  Wash the car  (guosh de car)
  In class: St.Book: 20-23
http://paid2speakeng.digimkts.com/ HOUSEWORK VOCABULARY ...

Homework: practice for quiz
St. book: 24
Dialog st. book. 22 (6)next class.

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